Wonderful experience and work with professionals
Katarina Šućurović
Hemofarm Foundation’s Scholarship Holder 2019/2020
Wonderful experience and work with professionals
I applied for the Hemofarm Foundation scholarship competition primarily because of the possibility to learn about the activities of different divisions of your company. In spite of the fact that the situation caused by the coronavirus made a visit to Hemofarm company and face-to-face contacts with its employees impossible, I have not been denied this information. Namely, an online professional Internship Program was organised in June, when I had a chance to get the information from the professionals working for Hemofarm about the method of work of different divisions, about the equipment used in their activities, and about the trained professionals who worked in particular divisions. During all the lectures, I had a chance to ask the lecturers for whatever additional information I wanted to know about the division they worked in as well as to contact them directly after the lectures.
Bearing in mind that I witnessed a suspension of lectures at the faculty and the struggle of professors to get to grips with online lecturing, I was delighted with this program, the method of its organisation and the conducting of all the lectures.
Last October, Hemofarm Foundation also organised the Internship Program - Germany. During those lectures, I had an opportunity to hear a lot about the way of overcoming economic and psychological consequences that the coronavirus pandemic caused to the entire humankind. I was delighted to listen to the lectures of the successful professionals who were glad to talk to us about the situation in their country and about the measures which were taken to fight the pandemic.
The lectures have additionally motivated me to keep hope and work on my self-improvement in spite of this situation which has shaken the world.
I am especially grateful for the mentoring I was provided with as a Hemofarm Foundation scholarship holder. Before the declaration of the state of emergency last March, together with her colleagues, my mentor, Mirjana Širka, managed to organise a visit to the Quality Control Division, which delighted me.
We were warmly welcomed by the employees of this Division who presented their Division in the best possible way, making it clear to us that in spite of the lack of work experience, we all have a chance to start our careers in Hemofarm, with a possibility of personal progress and development. I am also much obliged to Suzana Đorđević, Director of Hemofarm Foundation, and Milena Rajković, Project Manager, who were constantly in touch with us, scholarship holders, and who organised the whole program. I was especially delighted with the fact that they did not take us merely as a group of scholarship holders, but they were directly interested in each of us individually. I had a chance to experience that, when they heeded my plea and wrote me a letter of recommendation for a job I applied for with Hemofarm.
Although this year dictated a completely different concept of the Hemofarm Foundation YOU CAN DO IT Program, we, the scholarship holders, were not left short of a wonderful experience and working with professionals who devoted their time to us completely through a number of lectures.
Katarina Šućurović
Hemofarm Foundation’s Scholarship Holder 2019/2020