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Nine KAKTUS Awards for Hemofarm Foundation and The Most Important Call in Life
01. Nov 2023.
The campaign ‘The Most Important Call in Life’ by Hemofarm Foundation, aimed at increasing the number of donors and transplants, was awarded with nine awards at the KAKTUS Festival of Integrated Communications.

A jury composed of 30 professionals from Serbia and the region awarded ‘The Most Important Call in Life’ with the GRAND PRIX award for the best campaign in 2023, the award for the best non-profit integrated campaign, the award for the best outdoor campaign, while Suzana Đorđević, director of Hemofarm Foundation, was awarded with the SUPERSTAR award for the project leader in front of the company. ‘The Most Important Call in Life’ was awarded with awards for art direction, design, copywriting, social networks and media planning.

‘This recognition goes beyond an award. It is a testimony to our sincere commitment to increase the number of organ donors and transplants in Serbia, along with the work to promote the culture of donation since 2016. Our task is to create a humane and solidary society, and we are happy to say that we are making progress in that direction. Since the beginning of the year, 30 transplants have been performed thanks to the consent of 12 families to donate the organs of their loved ones’, Suzana Đorđević, director of Hemofarm Foundation said.

Suzana Đorđević, Director of Hemofarm foundation

She used the opportunity to thank the Hemofarm Foundation team ‘which constantly pushes the boundaries and exceeds expectations - Ivana Minović and Alena Pajić, for their incredible dedication and commitment throughout the project. ‘I would also like to thank the agency ‘Jazavac I Utorak’ and its director Žarko Veljković for their work in creating a campaign that exceeds the set framework and successfully communicates with the public in challenging social situations. Special thanks go to our founder, the Hemofarm company, and the company's employees for their unconditional support, without which these results would not have been possible.’

In the last eight years, Hemofarm Foundation has been awarded a total of 50 awards at the national, regional and European level for its socially responsible work.