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In harmony with nature
I have always been a sport aficionado. I actively played volleyball and tennis, and I did my best to maintain the training routine; however, my commitments at work and at home somehow prevailed and I found it hard to organise all of these. To be honest, I am not fond of doing exercise indoors and I don’t like gyms, which altogether played a role in me having reduced my physical activity over those past few years. On top of all that, the pandemic struck, which was a time when it was very difficult to maintan any form of joint sports activities. It was then that I realised that the proximity of Mt Vršački Breg allowed me to organise quality time outdoors easily and quickly, and to be physically active on top of it. This is how hiking and mountaineering became my routine, the one I always look forward to, again and again.

I was curious to keep discovering new paths on our Vršački Breg, and not long after, internally in our company, a group of us got organised and we set for new mountain adventures, first in Serbia and then in Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro. The primary task of our merry gang was to spend time in nature, which predominantly meant hiking and mountaineering, but it also included visits to cultural and historical landmarks, as well as picking medicinal plants and mushrooms, and tasting local specialties. We started with Mt Vršački Breg and the Deliblato Sands, and then over the next few years, we visited the Homolje Mountains, Golubac, Mt Rtanj, Mt Stara Planina /The Balkan Mountains/, Mt Cer, Mt Rajac, Mt Uvac, Mt Ovčar, Mt Kablar, the Canyon of the River Nera and Beusnica National Park in the neighbouring Romania. Especially interesanting was Trnovačko Lake at the border between Bosnia and Montenegro.

These mountain trips do not only provide enjoyment in spectacular sites, but they also help me develop a healthy lifestyle. I have to tell you that, after a busy day at work or daily household tasks, nothing relaxes me more than hiking and mountaineering. In addition, being exposed to natural light improves the quality of sleep, regulates internal biological rhythm and improves your immunity. Alone or accompanied by other people, you will boost your physical activity, improve your fitness, and reduce the level of daily stress.

I really enjoy our group mountaineering actions, but I also appreciate hiking and mountaineering alone. In such moments, I turn to my thoughts, I am listening to my body, challenging my soul and I feel my inner energy getting stronger, inspired by physical activity and natural environment. It was exactly in such moments of pushing my personal limits further and analysing my own feelings that I found a right solution for various life’s dilemmas. Surmounting a demanding climb, fighting physical strain and then enjoing an unforgetable sight from a viewpoint help me in my internal struggles and I feel some pleasant fatigue after mountaineering, but also psychological relief and emontional inspiration.

If you ask yourself what you need to start with mountaineering, in addition to good will, you only need a good pair of trainers for a start. A pair of trekking poles would come handy in activating your back muscles during a hike, as well as providing a good support in going uphill and downhill. Sticks from broken branches that you can find in the forest will also do the job. What makes mountaineering especially interesting and attractive is that you can adjust the length and difficulty level of a trek to your own needs, as well as your walking tempo, and the length of time.

This harmony with nature brings a unique experience which I would recomend to everyone, so do not hesitate – alone or in a company, chose a part of a day that suits you, chose the nearest forest or park or organise a visit to a nearby mountain. Discover where mountain treks will lead you, listen to the sound of streams in the spring, smell wet fallen leaves in the autumn, climb up to a viewpoint, inhale life! I am sure you will enjoy it and be proud of yourself, and that you will wish to repeat this priceless kind of recreation and benefit for your body and mind.
Vesna Cvrkota
Head of Internal Pharmaceutical Development at Hemofarm A.D., STADA Group