How to preserve the heart of society?
From sound foundations to strong society
Vladimir Arsenijević
From sound foundations to strong society
It is basically wrong, and might be fatal in certain circumstances to think about the society as a living organism. The metaphor of the heart with its central chamber, in which the origin myth is always and exclusively set, makes an integral part of the narratives of nations as conceived and then also embodied communities. The edifice, more precisely the edifice which is in a continuous process of annexation is an incomparably better analogy of the society (unlike the phantasmagorical concept of a nation, it gathers people sharing a common interest). Therefore, instead of the heart metaphor with an extremely mawkish emotionality in its essence, we are much more in need of a dramatically different metaphor with calculated constructiveness in its essence. Edifices can do without a lot of things; however, the foundation is what they essentially depend on, and it significantly determines the success of their growth, stability and longevity.
Therefore, in order to preserve, improve, and encourage the society to further develop, it should be set on solid and proper foundations. If the foundations of a society are not good, if they are unstable, set on wrong premises, eroded or simply poor, it is better to work on them so as to make them more stable. It is we, here, in the Southeast Europe, more than anyone else, who have ever had the opportunity to become aware of (and at the same time have failed to learn) this important lesson. Namely, foundations of a society are not built on encouraging narrow-mindedness, selfish love or mawkish sentimentality of its members for the myths of their own greatness, and at the same time, denial of the other, constructing enemies and urging active hatred. On the contrary, solid foundations of a society depend, to a large extent, on solidity of foundations of other societies, especially the ones which surround us.
Therefore, it is of essential importance for any society that wants to grow and develop to cherish good relations with its surrounding neighbours as well as with all its members individually, observing the simple fact that we are all one of a kind, different from the others, and that we should stay just as we are. No, there are neither fatal blood-and-soil ties among us nor fatal differences between ‘us’ and ‘others’. There is neither territorial stipulation nor any need for anyone to protect against anything, not even from external influences, in the least. We know that the most successful societies are the ones which have overcome the nation, the ones whose door is open to all benevolent people, and under the auspices of which many can find refuge, and in turn, within the limits of their possibilities, contribute to their further development. It is only in such and no other circumstances that the foundations of our edifice will (perhaps) be reinforced again, it will continue to develop, and we will no longer need to pose the ‘heart’ issues where they, in fact, are out of place.
Vladimir Arsenijević